Bead Encylopedia 102

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by Valorie Clifton

My first installment discussed seed beads in all their glory—the types, manufacturers, sizes and finishes.  So much can be created using only seed beads!  However, to really add the glamour and sparkle and to further stretch the design possibilities, you need to utilize other types of beads.  The combination of seed beads paired with other bead types explodes into the most wonderful, imaginative creations!  The design possibilities are infinite, as shown by the plethora of beaded creations in the world, each one a unique expression of the joy and passion that comprise the art of bead weaving.

This class provides an overview of the more common types and shapes of beads.  Not every bead is represented because new beads are introduced every day.  The world of beads is expanding as new ideas are presented.  Welcome to my corner of the beadiverse!  These beads that I’m presenting are all part of my jealously (and zealously) guarded hoard. 

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